import math
NEW_RD = 350
C = 0
q = math.log(10) / 400
class Rating:
def __init__(self, r=NEW_RATING, rd=NEW_RD):
self.r = r
self.rd = rd
def _e(self, opponent):
return 1 / (1 + 10**(-opponent._g()*(self.r - opponent.r)/400))
def _g(self, rd=None):
if not rd:
rd = self.rd
return 1 / math.sqrt((1 + 3*q**2*rd**2/math.pi**2))
def update(self, wins=[], losses=[], draws=[]):
d2 = (q**2 * sum(
opponent._g()**2 * self._e(opponent) * (1 - self._e(opponent))
for opponent in wins+losses+draws
r = (
self.r + (q/(1/self.rd**2 + 1/d2)) * sum(
opponent._g() * (score - self._e(opponent))
for score, opponent in (
[(1, opponent) for opponent in wins] +
[(0, opponent) for opponent in losses] +
[(.5, opponent) for opponent in draws]
rd = math.sqrt((1/self.rd**2 + 1/d2)**-1)
return Rating(r, rd)
def expected(self, opponent):
return 1 / (1 + 10**(
-self._g(math.sqrt(self.rd**2 + opponent.rd**2))*(self.r - opponent.r)/400)
def __str__(self):
return f'r={self.r} rd={self.rd}'
# Examples from paper
player = Rating(1500, 200)
wins = [
Rating(1400, 30),
losses = [
Rating(1550, 100),
Rating(1700, 300),
print(player.update(wins, losses))
print(Rating(1400, 80).expected(Rating(1500, 150)))
r=1464.1064627569112 rd=151.39890244796933 0.3759876557136924
import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
TRIALS = 1000
GAMES = 100
def trial():
p1_win_rate = random.random()
p1 = Rating()
p2 = Rating()
errors = []
wins = 0
for _ in range(GAMES):
if random.random() < p1_win_rate:
n1 = p1.update(wins=[p2])
n2 = p2.update(losses=[p1])
wins += 1
n1 = p1.update(losses=[p2])
n2 = p2.update(wins=[p1])
p1 = n1
p2 = n2
errors.append(abs(p1.expected(p2) - p1_win_rate))
return errors
errors = [0] * GAMES
for _ in range(TRIALS):
trial_errors = trial()
for i, error in enumerate(errors):
errors[i] += trial_errors[i]
errors = [error/TRIALS for error in errors]
for i in [0] + list(range(9, GAMES, 10)):
Games Error 1 0.20825069378141306 10 0.11428298059864189 20 0.0880052951923041 30 0.07074947450364229 40 0.060728172479441456 50 0.054441579128386416 60 0.04972422425718968 70 0.04484551032787287 80 0.04208931855200979 90 0.03886493405187572 100 0.03698330298056815
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f5c4eb07970>]
import random
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
TRIALS = 100
# Every player will play this many games against random opponents
GAMES = 20
U_RANGE = 100
S_RANGE = 10
errors = [0 for _ in range(GAMES)]
for _ in range(TRIALS):
strengths = [
norm(random.randrange(U_RANGE), random.randrange(1, S_RANGE))
for _ in range(PLAYERS)
ratings = [Rating() for _ in range(PLAYERS)]
win_ps = np.zeros((PLAYERS, PLAYERS))
for p1 in range(PLAYERS):
for p2 in range(PLAYERS):
win_ps[p1][p2] = norm(
strengths[p1].mean() - strengths[p2].mean(),
math.sqrt(strengths[p1].std()**2 + strengths[p2].std()**2)
for i in range(GAMES):
for p1 in range(PLAYERS):
p2 = random.randrange(PLAYERS)
while p1 == p2:
p2 = random.randrange(PLAYERS)
win_p = win_ps[p1][p2]
if random.random() < win_p:
n1 = ratings[p1].update(wins=[ratings[p2]])
n2 = ratings[p2].update(losses=[ratings[p1]])
n1 = ratings[p1].update(losses=[ratings[p2]])
n2 = ratings[p2].update(wins=[ratings[p1]])
ratings[p1] = n1
ratings[p2] = n2
for p1 in range(PLAYERS):
for p2 in range(p1+1, PLAYERS):
win_p = win_ps[p1][p2]
errors[i] += abs(ratings[p1].expected(ratings[p2]) - win_p)
# This is the error of the predictive accuracy of all player ratings
# after every player has played x games against random opponents
errors = [error/TRIALS/math.factorial(PLAYERS-1) for error in errors]
print('Player games\tTotal games\tError')
for i, error in enumerate(errors):
plt.locator_params(axis='x', integer=True)
plt.plot(range(1, GAMES+1), errors)
Player games Total games Error 1 4 0.2660765093079937 2 8 0.19449838453992704 3 12 0.15966050870022208 4 16 0.13509593815147167 5 20 0.12036755589111829 6 24 0.11065767285261419 7 28 0.09926599477009275 8 32 0.09117649394964582 9 36 0.08428992774300594 10 40 0.07987254012607817 11 44 0.07586396250153686 12 48 0.07231722050155646 13 52 0.06829408623319076 14 56 0.0663069259027676 15 60 0.0639246106140883 16 64 0.06156680269025902 17 68 0.059979757292969255 18 72 0.058137673646551404 19 76 0.05687552809905355 20 80 0.05570160909008139
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f5c47e67610>]